Avoiding Fair Housing Violations In Advertisements

Below is a list of words that should NOT be used in any advertisements (including Facebook Posts, Twitter Tweets as well as traditional ads) or in any MLS remarks when describing a listing as it could be Fair Housing Violation. The reason behind this is these words could indicate a preference, or discourage someone not in this group or to whom the word doesn't apply which results in a possible fair housing violation. If there is any doubt, or concern about what to include or exclude from an ad, definitely consult an attorney for legal advice before placing the ad.

The following words should NOT be used:

The following words are generally OK to use:

Additional Resources:

We can get you through it!
We know this can be intimidating for a new landlord or a fore sale by owner, but our professionals at MORE, REALTORS can show you just how easy we can make it for you from start to finish! We know the St. Louis market and have some of the most knowledgeable and experienced brokers and agents in St. Louis in our firm.
Phone (314) 414-6000
Email: Info@MO-RE.com